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Village E-Diot Theresa Grafflin |
This past Thursday there was a surprise filing for office for the city's common council: Agapito Lebron Jr. Yes, from that Lebron line!
It's no secret I like Nathan Lebron. Some idiots have gone as far as to suggest that we are the same person. But now I gotta be careful as there is more than one Lebron.
As you may or may not know, our village e-diot Theresa Grafflin is running for city council of the 6th ward. Apparently she is trying to ingratiate herself with the new power in town, McCoy. See, her sugar daddy Jennings is not running again and since she has burned every bridge with every other candidate, the welfare barnacle is looking for a new gravy boat.
ALebron apparently has a criminal record. I normally don't care for candidates who are criminals but in this city we've had a pimp become alderman and other "felons" run for office. Shit, Marion Barry was reelected mayor of Washington DC AFTER the FBI caught him smoking crack while he was mayor. And don't get me started with Spitzer.
So ALebron filed petitions for common council to run against the hag under the indy and rep lines. HILARIOUS!
But wait it gets better!!!!
NLebron responds to a post she did on her blog. Nancy Drew did some "investigative" work and "discovered" more information THAT WAS AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC!
What's great is that she allowed his comment through and then deleted it. Weird Right?!
Hmm why would she do that? (BTW she has also deleted her post calling Ellis a monkey 4 years ago and the one where she blamed the city's firemen for breaking into her apartment and stealing her laptop)
So I emailed NLebron to see if he had a copy of the response and sure enough, he did:
"There is truly no limit how low you can go.
I had a serious talk with Pete about running and the pitfalls he may encounter with someone like yourself. He still wanted to do it.
If I had the time or even the interest, I'm sure your readers would be interested to see the questionable past you have paved for yourself. And the authorities in the state of Texas and Pennsylvania I'm sure would offer some interesting reading.
After a serious discussion with my brother he actually thought it comical that Elliot Spitzer was running so he went for it. Perhaps you are the madame he is running against.
I love my brother and wish him the best. I'm here to help him in anyway.
Before I forget, my IP is"
The state of pretending to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually have.
Can you please post what the Thing's background in PA and TX are if you ever find it?